redesigning social e-commerce product page

Facily is a social e-commerce that brings together several products at incredible prices, to buy with family and friends.
Working end-to-end together with researchers, writers, engineers, and product managers, I was responsible for redesigning the product page and checkout journey. In addition, I was responsible for the improvement in the orders page (tracking and canceling).

As a product designer, I needed to create a new concept, understand user behavior and get data to prove or disprove the need for changes.
heuristics evaluation & benchmark
I got the designers, researchers and pms together and started a heuristics workshop where we could discuss all the heuristics and usability issues at the page.
After the workshop, I could get all the stakeholders points of view for each section of the page, helping me define the scope.
We realized that “Entrar no grupo” (buy button) and “Modalidade de compra” (how users can buy) concentrated the majority of the problems.
Once we got the stakeholder's point of view, I started studying the market to understand how other competitors are solving the same problems, looking for the best practices and new opportunities.
The majority of the found elements, their order, and how they were presented were the first insights captured. I synthesized a presentation with new opportunities in features, content, and Information Architecture.
With pm's, we did a prioritization matrix, putting all the essential features in the must have quadrant. Then, in the last phase of the scope, we perceived the problems from a business and design point of view with stated priorities and defined scope.
design critique​​​​​​​
To amplify the possibilities and get feedback in the earlier stages, improving the design ideas trying to stimulate collaboration through the team.
In a 60 minutes workshop, we ran a design critique where designers and developers could analyze each section of the page. Creating, commenting, and questioning the initial solutions
By the end of the exercise, we had several possibilities for each part.
After the workshop, I gathered the insights and made an entire page with one more round of discussion, structuring the final proposal.
test concept
An unmoderated and moderated test was done to analyze the performance of the old vs the new version, comparing usability and effort, measuring with CSAT and CES questions.

25,7% with less misclicks
17,7% seconds more fast
25,4% more users finished the tasks
23,8% fewer users left the tasks without complete
15% more satisfied users

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