The problem 
The human resources processes were always executed manually with a diversity of partners and tools without much tracking and strategy.

In this context, Spark was born, a recruitment and selection software from Matchbox Brazil, that brings together all that a company needs to attract and connect the right talents to the right opportunities, aiding HR to focus on what really matters.

It was the first CRM of talents in Latin America, which aims to bring together solid concepts in the marketing field to the HR universe.

In collaborative work with PMs, we had the opportunity to participate in the early stages of the discovery phase, such as the creation of Personas, Empathy maps and User journeys, until the development of final screens and the creation of their Design System. 
We were responsible for conducting in-depth customer interviews and usability tests in order to understand their context and pain points in the use of the product, besides working on improvements in the users’ journey. 

Since the product was new, in every sprint we had the need to create a new journey and, consequently, new components and flows that met its needs. To make the design ideation better,  with the technical possibilities in mind, we started to include the developers in the initial sketches, inviting engineers to co-creation meetings, such as crazy eight and design critiques, with the objective to improve the team communication and avoid reworking and long hours of development.​​​​​​​

- Big clients like Stefanini, Natura, Boticário and OLX are currently using the Spark CRM
- Reduced 50% of the cost per hire
- Increased talent engagement in 20% more

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